The Parish Pastoral Committee (PPC)
PPC Mission Statement
We, the community of St Mary’s, Clapham, are people united together by our belief in the Gospel teaching of Jesus.
We strive to value all people of whatever creed, culture, status, age or ability.
We aim to share with each other the happiness our faith brings us and to allow the Spirit of Jesus to work amongst us, helping us to build a community rich in prayer, unity and service.
We hope to reflect this richness in our relationship with our families, our friends, and all those whom we meet in our daily lives.
The Role of the PPC
The role of the Parish Pastoral Council is to fulfil our stated mission by:
Reflecting on and planning for the future direction of the Parish in the light of the Gospel.
Supporting, enabling and co-ordinating parish activities as necessary.
Identifying and celebrating the gifts of parishioners and encouraging all to participate in the life of the Parish.
Engaging ecumenically with neighbouring faith communities.
The PPC Constitution
The PPC is to consist of between 8 and 12 people in addition to the parish team.
Members are chosen in such a way that the various groups within the parish are represented. The diversity of the parish is to be reflected in the membership.
The maximum term of membership is ordinarily four years.
Members are encouraged to take up opportunities to deepen their spirituality and understanding of the faith. The PPC will meet together especially for personal faith development at least once every year.
Members failing to attend three consecutive meetings without reasonable explanation are deemed to have resigned. Vacancies are to be filled in accordance with para 3 above.
Members are expected to treat in strict confidence any matters of a sensitive nature that arise or are discussed during meetings.
At the September meeting, the PPC will elect officers for the forthcoming year: a chair, a vice-chair and a secretary. Officers may be re-elected but may not serve for more than three consecutive years.
The chair will endeavour to involve all members in discussions and to facilitate the smooth running of the meetings. When the chair is absent the vice-chair will stand in. The secretary will circulate the agenda at least four days prior to the meeting and take minutes during it.
Planning the agenda is every member’s responsibility. All members are encouraged to forward items for consideration to the secretary or chairperson at least one week before each meeting. The planning of the agenda can also be given time at the end of each meeting. One week before the meeting the parish priest and elected officers are to finalise the agenda.
General Functioning
The PPC is to meet at least nine times a year with the dates arranged six months in advance.
The PPC is rooted in the understanding of the Church as a community of believers sharing the priestly, prophetic and leadership mission of Jesus. This spirituality of communion will encourage fruitful dialogue among the members.
The Parish Priest, President of the PPC, is ultimately responsible for decision-making at parish level. Nonetheless, he should not act (or fail to act) against the decisions of the other members of the Council without very good reason.
Members are encouraged to begin every meeting with a period of reflection, either scripture-based prayer or consideration of some element of the Christian life. The chair will ask a member to prepare something for the next meeting. Each meeting also will conclude with a brief prayer.
A quorum will consist of at least half the membership. Ideally, decisions will be arrived at by consensus.
Meetings are not to exceed one and a half hours – except when a day or half-day has been set aside for more considered conversation and decision-making.
The PPC will produce an Annual Report on its reflections and decisions. This is:
to report back to the parish on the activities, concerns and plans of the PPC
to encourage all groups within the parish to review their activities. c) to encourage parishioners’ responses, recommendations and participation in future parish pastoral planning and provision.
Parish Pastoral Council Members
Chair: Joe Colairo
Fr Casper Mukabva CSsR
Ros Bowles
Marie Jessel
Wezi Kandawire
Chima Kanu
Mervyn Murphy
Dina Raouf-Tapp
Gabriella Leers
Fabio Foschi
Shirley Williams
Antonio Risorto
Stephanie Colairo